C4I & Cyber Seminar: Cyber Resilience in Japan and US-Japan Cybersecurity Relationships

Presentation: Kenzo Fujisue, Ph.D,
Member of Japanese House of Councillors (Upper House)

Japanese-US collaboration on cybersecurity and cyber resilience is becoming increasingly important, not only due to the size and technological sophistication of our economies, but also because of international competition in cyberspace. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with an influential member of Japan’s Upper House who is passionately interested in cyber resilience issues and technically qualified to speak on them. Dr. Fujisue will discuss why he feels that cyber resilience (the ability to take damage and keep on operating) is a stronger approach in today’s environment than cybersecurity (trying to prevent damage from happening) and how he’s trying to change Japanese thinking in this area. This will be particularly important as Japan transitions to “Society 5.0,” which the Japanese government defines as “the advanced fusion of cyberspace and physical space to balance economic advancement with the resolution of social problems and to bring about a human-centered society.” Japan’s cybersecurity policy has been evolving in preparation for “Society 5.0,” to include a number of important laws, regulations and organizations. However, there still is room for improvement, and especially for more effective implementation of existing guidance and increased awareness of the importance of the topic. He also will address US-Japan security cooperation in cyberspace and the cyber defense of Japan. The 2020 Tokyo Olympics can provide a powerful incentive to (1) increase the cyber security awareness of the Japanese people, (2) establish a stronger culture of cyber security, and (3) shift Japan’s policy from cyber security to cyber resilience (which he has discussed with representatives from GMU).

Liberal Democratic Party and Voice of The People
Elected 2004, 2010 and 2016, Proportional Representation
Current Responsibilities in the House of Councillors
(as of February 16,2019)
Committee on Financial Affairs
Committee on Audit
Special Committee on North Korean Abduction Issue and Related Matters Commission on the Constitution

1986 joined Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
1999 Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo
2000 Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
2004 first elected to the House of Councillors
2006-08 Lecture Professor of Tsinghua University (Major post in the House of Councillors)
2011 Chairman, Committee on General Affairs (Major posts in the Government)
2012 Senior Vice Minister of International Affairs and Communications
Senior Vice-Minister for Postal Service Privatization

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

C4I Center ENGR 4705